Year-End Tax Planning

As the end of the year approaches, it’s time to consider strategies that could help you reduce your tax bill. But most tax tips, suggestions, and strategies are of little practical help without a good understanding of your current tax situation. This is particularly true for year-end planning. You can’t know where to go next…

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The April 15th Tax Deadline is Now July 15th

The U.S. Department of the Treasury is delaying the April 15th deadline to file and pay taxes by 90 days, giving individuals and businesses another 3 months to file and then pay the government what they owe. What Should You Do? Putting off paying taxes until right before the deadline is human nature. In fact, according…

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Tax Strategies For Retirees

Nothing in life is certain except death and taxes. — Benjamin Franklin That saying still rings true roughly 300 years after the former statesman coined it. Yet, by formulating a tax-efficient investment and distribution strategy, retirees may keep more of their hard-earned assets for themselves and their heirs. Here are a few suggestions for effective money…

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