The CARES Act Key Components

INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE Recovery Rebates Provides all U.S. residents with an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less $1,200 for singles and heads of households ($2,400 for married couples filing joints returns). The rebate is phased out by $5 for every $100 over $75,000 that an individual receives, and phased-out completely for incomes exceeding $99,000 (single),…

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What Is in the $2 Trillion Relief Package?

The United States has more cases of the coronavirus than any other country, and in an attempt to stop the spread of this disease, states have closed schools and businesses throughout the country. These unprecedented shutdowns have pushed many people out of work, hurt businesses, and brought much of the economy to a screeching halt. …

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7 Tips to Help You Stay Productive at Home

With the rapid spreading of COVID-19, and more and more people either on self-quarantine or practicing social distancing, many of us are working from home.  While working from home definitely has its perks – no commute! – there can also be some challenges when it comes to motivation and productivity.  Here are 7 tips to…

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Time In The Market Versus Timing The Market

The incredible volatility continues, with the S&P 500 Index now in one of its worst bear markets ever, along the way making the quickest move from an all-time high to down 30% at only 22 days. What is a long-term investor to do? “Although market timing is very alluring to investors, especially after the past…

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Road To Recovery Playbook

After recording two double-digit drops in equity prices over the last three trading days, the global pandemic of COVID-19 has sent world equity markets into bear market territory. The result is a cumulative 30% drop in the S&P 500 Index in just under 30 days. Though daunting, once the market finds a bottom, which is…

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Cooking With What You Have

We are currently living in a confusing time where most of us cannot leave our homes.  At first, this sounds great, but then you are hit with reality. You, and probably your spouse are working from home, and your kids’ school has canceled until next month, so they are home with you.  The kids are…

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Client Letter March 19th

Our everyday lives have changed dramatically over the last few weeks as we work together to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We know these efforts are necessary, but they also have come at a cost. Global economic growth has been slowing, the US economy likely will contract temporarily, and US stocks have entered…

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Social Security’s Future Is Safe

Social Security is the bedrock of Americans’ retirement income security. So you may have been concerned by the news that the federal government needed to dip into the Social Security’s trust fund to pay for the program this year. Does that mean Social Security’s future isn’t safe? As an economist who has written extensively on…

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April Is Financial Literacy Month

April is National Financial Literacy Month – an entire month dedicated to underscoring the importance of learning, establishing and maintaining healthy financial habits. But ask yourself this: what have you learned about anything financial lately? Do most of your neighbors keep a household budget or save for retirement? Does your cousin live hand-to-mouth? Do you…

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Tax Strategies For Retirees

Nothing in life is certain except death and taxes. — Benjamin Franklin That saying still rings true roughly 300 years after the former statesman coined it. Yet, by formulating a tax-efficient investment and distribution strategy, retirees may keep more of their hard-earned assets for themselves and their heirs. Here are a few suggestions for effective money…

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